About Us
Founded by Kim who has over 10 Years’ experience in the beauty industry! Kim is a renowned International Educator and Celebrity Brow Specialist in Korean Nanoblading. Kim, who has pioneered Korean Nanoblading as the latest advancement in the Semi-Permanent Makeup Industry has shown just how outdated Microblading is!
Korean Nanoblading is used to create new eyebrows or enhance your existing ones. A superfine Nano-needle creates fine hair-like strokes in the same growth pattern as your existing hair. Nanoblading is a damage free gentle and effective technique which can last for up to 3 years saving you a lot of time and money.
Whilst working with many celebrities and high profile individuals throughout the years, Kim has bought her knowledge and expertise to the beauty industry allowing students to receive the expert knowledge that will create the stepping stones to success.
Brows by Kim Milestones

Kim at Work